Sunday, October 2, 2011

I Need You!!

I need you to partner with me. 
I have this amazing opportunity to be the Hands and Feet of Jesus in 11 different countries over the course of 11 months with The World Race.
I need your prayers.
I need your encouragement.
I need your support.
My blog, has more information about me, The World Race, and what I will be a part of. Check it out!

The cost of this missions trip is $15,150, which sounds like a lot, but a donation as small as $10 can go a long way. Would you partner with me in ministry to go on The World Race? 
Stop what you are doing right now and pray. (I know you really don’t want to stop and pray, I mean I normally don’t do it when people tell me to, but literally stop what you are doing and pray for God to lead you in knowing how you can support me.) If he has led you to support me financially go here
May the God of this Universe that we know, love, and serve bless you for your financial contribution.
I need you to reblog this post to spread the word of what God is doing in my life. Please reblog, I need this word to get out there. 
Your Sister In Christ,
Brandi :)
I need you to partner with me. 
I have this amazing opportunity to be the Hands and Feet of Jesus in 11 different countries over the course of 11 months with The World Race.
I need your prayers.
I need your encouragement.
I need your support.
My blog, has more information about me, The World Race, and what I will be a part of. Check it out!
The cost of this missions trip is $15,150, which sounds like a lot, but a donation as small as $20 can go a long way. Would you partner with me in ministry to go on The World Race? 
Stop what you are doing right now and pray. (I know you really don’t want to stop and pray, I mean I normally don’t do it when people tell me to, but literally stop what you are doing and pray for God to lead you in knowing how you can support me.) If he has led you to support me financially go here
May the God of this Universe that we know, love, and serve bless you for your financial contribution.

Your Sister In Christ,
Brandi :)