My love,
Before the beginning of time, I knew you. I knew what color your eyes would be, and I could hear the sound of your laughter. Like a proud father who carries a picture of his child, I carried an image of you in My eyes, for you were created in my image. Before the beginning of time, I chose you. I spoke your name into the heavens, and smiled as its melody resounded off the walls of My heart.
You are mine. My love for you extends farther than the stars in the sky and deeper than the ocean. You are My pearl of great price, the one for whom I gave everything. I cradle you in the palm of my hand. I love you even in the face of your failure. You do not have to perform for me. Nothing you say or do can cause Me to stop loving you. I am relentless in My pursuit of you. Run from Me – I will love you. Spit on me – I will love you. Reject yourself – I will love you. What you did in the past, what you are struggling with now, and how you fail later will not affect My love. You see, My love for you was slain before the foundations of the world. I have never regretted and will never regret the sacrifice I made for you at Calvary. You are worth that sacrifice.
When I see every part of who you are, I marvel at the work of My hands, for I whispered words of longing and desire and you came into existence. You are beautiful, and I take pleasure in you – heart, mind, and body. You have captured Me. You are My desire. Still, when you turn your head in shame and despise what I have made, I still reach for you with gentle passion. You are my beloved and I am yours.
Your Savior
**This is from my trip to New Jersey during the summer of 2010. I hope it encourages you as much as it encourages me. I was brought to tears while typing it up! I hope each of you have a blessed Christmas and a blessed New Year!! :)
In Christ,